Youth at Work Program
The City and County of Los Angeles Youth@Work program is offered to individuals ages 14 to 24. The goal of the Youth Program is to provide youth with a menu of services that offer access to paid work-based learning, work readiness, paid personal enrichment training, academic and career development, and advanced career services. The services may be rendered in a progressive or combined manner as appropriate to meet participant needs.
Priority youth populations are school dropout, CalWORKs, Probation, Foster, Homeless, transition-aged youth (TAY), Low-Income households, LGBTQ, an offender, pregnant or parenting, have a disability, or are an English language learner.
Our Youth@Work program will help place LA City and County youth in a paid work experience that leads to a long-term career pathway in high-growth, in-demand industries.
Youth Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program
The Youth WIOA Program provides workforce services to individuals ages 16 to 24. Services provided assist individuals to achieve self-sufficiency by developing, preparing and helping place individuals in employment opportunities that provide career pathways and self-sufficient wages.
Services available include:
What to Do If You Believe You Have Experienced Discrimination
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