Archdiocesan Youth Employment Services (AYE) of Catholic Charities of Los Angeles is submitting a proposal to the County of Los Angeles (County) to operate a Comprehensive America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) under the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA). The AJCC RFP to which AYE is responding is available at:
AYE seeks to partner with an experienced Adult-Dislocated Worker (ADW) service provider for the LA County America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) RFP No: AJCC-25-2. AYE is procuring an Adult-Dislocated Worker service provider for the following Sub Region:
Please click on the Sub Region to learn more and apply to subcontract adult services. The deadline to respond via email to [email protected] is Wednesday, February 12th at 5pm.
For questions or more information, please email [email protected]